Estate planning is much more than deciding who gets what. Creating an estate plan is the same as creating a big instruction book; here are 14 things you can do with your estate plan. You can give instruction to: Keep your children from being disinherited, if you are in a blended family. Authorize a trusted […]
Estate Planning
Should I Name My Second Spouse as My Successor Trustee?
It can be challenging to choose the right individuals to hold the roles of trusted helpers such, as a successor trustee. When you’re married, it’s normal to look to your spouse to take on the role of the primary successor trustee. This means that if you are not able to manage your assets, during any […]
LegalZoom is Not the Same as Working with an Estate Planning Attorney
LegalZoom is an online legal form provider; you’ve likely seen the commercials on television. Don’t be fooled; LegalZoom and other online estate planning form providers are not the same as working with an estate planning attorney. In fact, LegalZoom is being sued in the state of California in a class action suit, representing about 3,000 […]
It’s Okay to Call Your Estate Planning Attorney
You’ve set up your estate plan and your estate planning attorney said that he or she welcomes calls if you have questions or concerns, but you’re not sure if your particular situation necessitates a call or email. We’ve listed 8 circumstances when it is likely in your best interest to call your estate planning attorney […]
How to Use a General Durable Power of Attorney
If you have been named as an agent under a general durable power of attorney, your job is to carry out the instructions in the power of attorney document. If you have questions about serving as agent, please feel free to call our office at (858) 792-5988 for a consultation. We’d be happy to guide […]
Do I Need to Worry about Estate Taxes?
You’re wise to research whether you need to be concerned about estate taxes because many taxes can be minimized or eliminated altogether. There is no sense in paying more than you owe. The big tax that makes the news is the federal estate tax; you may have also heard of the gift tax. Federal Estate […]
4 Things Commonly Forgotten During Estate Planning
Life is full; lots to remember. If you forget something in the estate planning world, your estate plan may not work, meaning the documents may not be honored or they may not do what you want them to do. To help your plan work, we’ve created this list to help you to remember 4 things […]
What Happens When You Have No Estate Plan?
When you don’t have an estate plan, you and your family lose control. You have no say in what happens when you become incapacitated or die. You have no say in who raises your minor children. You have no say in who makes your health care decisions; , you have no say in who gets […]
Promises to Change a Will Don’t Count
Promises to update, amend, or revoke a will, or any other estate planning document, don’t count unless the change is actually made according to law. In other words, you have no legal standing to challenge a will based on the deceased’s promise only. Changes to Wills and Other Estate Planning Documents Must be in Writing […]
Powers of Attorney are Useless after Death
While powers of attorney are essential during your lifetime, they are useless after your death. The authority granted under powers of attorney ends immediately at the principal’s death. The “principal” is the person who creates the power of attorney; so, if you execute this document, you are the principal. The person who helps you is […]